Privacy & Cookies

Contact details

Chamber of Commerce number: 84624442
Vat identification number: NL863285958B01
Email customer service:

Handling personal data

When processing personal data, P CLOSET complies with the requirements of applicable data protection legislation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation. This means that we:

  • clearly state what our purposes are before we process personal data, by using this privacy statement;
  • limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data necessary for legitimate purposes;
  • first ask for explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where your permission is required;
  • take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and we demand the same from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
  • respect your right to inspect, correct or delete your personal data that we hold.

In this privacy statement we explain which personal data we use and for what purpose. We recommend that you read it carefully.

Use of personal data

P CLOSET processes your personal data because you use our website and/or you provide it to us yourself. We use the following data for the purposes stated in our privacy statement:

  • Name and address details
  • Phone number
  • Billing address
  • E-mail address
  • Payment details
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • IP address
  • Order history
  • Nationality

Sensitive personal data

P CLOSET does not intend to collect data from website visitors who are 16 years or younger, provided they have permission from their parents or guardian. We cannot check the age of a visitor, so we advise parents to be involved in their children's online activities. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us at

Our purposes

  • Processing your order
  • Handling payment transactions
  • Communication with you
  • Marketing
  • Fraud prevention


Certain functions of our website require you to register in advance. You will need to provide some information about yourself and choose a username and password for the account we will set up for you. We store this information so that you do not have to re-enter it every time you visit our webshop, to be able to contact you in connection with the execution of the agreement, invoicing and payment and to give you an overview of the products and services that you have purchased from us.

Contact Form

You can use our contact form to ask questions or make a request. In order to handle and/or answer your question, we request various information from you. We use this information to provide you with the best possible service. We keep this information until we are sure that you are happy with our response.


We have a newsletter to inform interested parties about news, tips and information about our products. You can register for this on the website. You can cancel your subscription to our newsletter at any time. Each newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe from our newsletter.


Apart from the advertisements on the website, we can inform you about new products or services:

  • Via email
  • Via social media

You can object to this promotional communication at any time. Each email contains a cancellation link. On social media you can block us or use the cancellation option. You can also inform us through your account. You can also inform us via the contact form.

Processing your order

We use your personal information when handling your order. It is possible that we share your data with the delivery service to have your order delivered. We may also obtain information about your payment from your bank or credit card company. We need this information because of our agreement with you. We keep this information until your order is completed. Certain types of personal data are kept longer in connection with the legal fiscal retention obligation. (The statutory retention period).


We keep statistics about the use of our webshop, which gives us access to your data. We use this data to map consumer patterns, for marketing purposes and to ensure that our website continues to function optimally. Our website also contains social media buttons. These buttons are used by the providers of these services to collect your personal data.

Provision to third parties

We share your personal data with our partners. These partners are involved in the implementation of the agreement. This concerns external service providers, such as accountants, financial service providers, website support, advertising agencies and collection agencies.

The security of your data is guaranteed by a processing agreement between the partner and P CLOSET. Furthermore, these companies may under no circumstances use the data for purposes other than those stated by us.

With the exception of the partners mentioned above, we do not give your personal data to other companies or institutions under any circumstances, except if we are legally obliged to do so (for example, if the police requires this if a crime is suspected).

Third Party Websites

This privacy and cookie policy does not apply to websites managed by third parties. Therefore, always read the privacy and cookie policies of such third parties before providing your personal data to such third parties. We are not liable for the use of your personal data by such third parties.


Our webshop uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. By browsing our website you give us permission to place a cookie on your hard drive and to request it when you visit again in the future. Cookies are small files in which we can store information so that you do not have to re-enter that information. We use cookies to ensure that the website functions properly and to track your surfing behavior for personalized content and advertisements.

The first time you visit our webshop, we will show you a message explaining our cookies and ask for your permission to use these cookies. You can disable the use of cookies through your browser settings, but some parts of our website may not work properly.

Inspection and modification of your data

If you have any questions or want to know what personal data we have about you, you can always contact us. See contact details below.

You have the following rights:

  • Get an explanation about what personal data we have and what we do with it
  • Access to the exact personal data we have
  • Having errors corrected
  • Having obsolete personal data removed
  • Having personal data transferred to another party
  • Withdrawal of consent
  • Object to a particular use

Please note that you always clearly indicate who you are by means of a valid proof of identification, so that we can be sure that we do not change or delete data from the wrong person.


We take our responsibility in the security of your personal data. For example, we take security measures to prevent misuse and unauthorized access to your personal data. In addition, we ensure that the partners we work with apply the same standards in terms of personal data.

Changes to this privacy statement

We reserve the right to change this statement. We recommend that you consult this statement regularly, so that you are informed of any changes.


If you wish to make a complaint about our use of personal data, please send an email with the details of your complaint to  If you think that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Nederlandse Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.